Case Study: Employee Career Plan vis a vis Organizational Changes

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Case Studies, Executive Coaching

After facing a series of frustrating reorganizations, the IT Cybersecurity Program Manager sought out Strategic Implementation Advising to help assemble a plan that would support and encourage the individual over the long term and articulate a wider perspective.

Project Highlights

  • Assessed and identified the framework and cultural lens that describes the values of the individual.
  • Through interactive dialogue, we discovered the implicit value structure of the organization from the perspective of the individual.
  • Leveraged our strategic framework to articulate a viable path from current state to the holistic fulfillment of personal goals, placing the long-term needs of the individual first.
  • Supported the leaders in their decision to separate from the organization and pursue academic interests in the field as a pivot to unlocking their potential and new opportunities.


Strategic Implementation Advising partnered with the aforementioned IT Cybersecurity Program Manager to assemble a holistic representation of his [then] current work environment. The company had recently endured a major reorganization and the new espoused strategy was considerably different than previous ones. We worked together to clarify and better articulate their personal implicit value structure, as well as that of the new organization to which they belong.

In alignment with their personality and thought processes, we developed and proposed a series of potential (alternate) viable scenarios. We leveraged our repository of methodologies and best practices to create a custom approach for this specific individual, as we do for each engagement. Each of the planned scenarios considered larger and broader perspectives that helped the manager loosen the constraints on his thinking and adjust to a new paradigm.

Through continued individual coaching support, we supported the leader in his decision to separate from the organization and pivot through academia as a next step to explore new opportunities in a new location.