Case Study: Transition in Adopting New Tools

by | Aug 18, 2021 | Business Operations, Case Studies, Executive Coaching

A new set of management and tracking tools were deployed within an organization to adjust to the [then] current size and future scaling plans of the company. Strategic Implementation Advising worked closely with the Client, Senior Architect, Developer Team and Executive Leadership to help deploy the new tools and implement new processes.

Project Highlights

  • Facilitated Nascent Process Adoption meetings to provide active feedback and coach new teams and architects.
  • Using Agile-based techniques, an iteratively adaptive process allowed the team to mold the new changes to maximize the benefits of the initial deployment.
  • Maintained high team morale throughout the change as a series of short-term benefits were realized through the hybrid change management methodology.
  • Provided individual coaching to close the gap on specific roles and responsibilities that changed with the new deployment.
  • Engaged with executive leadership to ensure that the deployment met the expected rework reduction goals and provided the right amount of transparency for high-level decision-making.


Strategic Implementation Advising partnered with key internal stakeholders and executive leadership to ensure that the goals for the change were unified and well-articulated. We assessed the way in which the current task management tools were being used and identified a series of patterns that could facilitate adoption of new tool by the development team. An implicit task communication structure was visualized and codified. We established a baseline process and structure for task management with the new tool and allowed the process to adapt to the needs of the team and chief architect through a series of weekly change review meetings.

Leveraging our expertise in Change Management, we successfully led a management and tracking tool change using a combination of change model practices along with providing individual and team coaching support. Through the deployment of the new tool and associated set of practices, re-work was reduced by 30% and team morale was improved during the change as they better understood the need for the change and immediately realized the benefits despite needing to spend some time learning the new tool.